When Rod and I lived together in Boulder, CO we used to walk to the bus station on our way to work each morning. We always passed this one house with these beautiful flowers that twined around their mailbox. They were open every morning and closed every night when we walked home. We were young, just out of college, and didn't know much about flowers. But we knew we loved them. They mesmerized us with their ability to know morning and night. Of course they were purple and purple was our favorite color at the time. Don't believe me? Rod's mountain bike and helmet were purple. A deep dark moody purple, but purple all the same. Thus our affinity for purple doors.
Fast forward a few years. Ok maybe 20. In every house we have owned we have planted morning glories. On our light post, our mailbox, or on an arbor. Sometimes light blue but always purple. A reminder of those younger innocent days when we didn't even know the name of the flower that was growing on that mailbox we passed each day. We did however know we loved it. Funny the things we carry with us from our pasts. When I see them getting the mail and think of us in our 20's admiring and wondering about those unique flowers it makes me smile. Where has the time gone?
I just transplanted some purple morning glories at the cottage on an arbor. They will self seed in the right conditions and our mailbox at home is surrounded by 100's of morning glory vines just looking for something to climb. I sometimes forget about them and have to grab their tangled vines from the ground and train them up the mailbox with string or just tying them to themselves. An amazing flower with an amazing show. I love how they wake up each morning ready to show their beauty to the world and close each night to rest for another day.
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