Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Rod went up to do a walk through (solely for the purpose of making sure the snowmobile was still there!)  Then he was off to sign papers and buy our new house!  The girls headed off to school and 11 minutes after the youngest got home we hit the road.  Two dogs, three girls, and one very excited mom all eager to just get there already.  The drive goes quickly even though it's 2 1/2 hours.  It's a nice mix of highway and back road driving.  I love the back roads because they follow the countryside through sleepy little villages, past antique houses and antique shops and finally to a country road that rambles along next to a stream.  "We are in the middle of nowhere!" my thirteen year old states.  Exactly.  That means we're almost home!

Excuse the quality of this picture.  According to my daughters I need to clean my phone lens.  This is why we should take out the nice camera every once in a while.  This is not the quality of picture I want to have to remember their childhoods!

We turn the bend and finally see the signs for Crescent Lake.  The roads immediately switch to dirt.  They get bumpy and pitted from the frost heaves of winter and the mud season which is spring in New England.  We look for our house sign amongst many.  Getting more and more excited with each turn we take.  

Finally we turn the last corner and we are there.  The months of planning.  The lists.  The painting, crafting and packing.  All for this.   This house.  These purple doors.  This view.  

We were lucky enough to arrive at the perfect time.   The moving truck which was full to the gills when it left home was completely empty.  Not only that but the furniture was all in the rooms,  a bed frame had been set up and futon had even been moved.  The heavy lifting had been done.  Thanks Rod!  Now it was time for the fun stuff.

And by fun stuff I mean hanging pictures, decorating, moving little things around to add our own touches to the cottage.  Of course the girls had other ideas.  They were in bathing suits within minutes of arriving even though it was a grey day.  The dogs were already in the water and they wanted to be too!  The water was warmer than the air temperature and they set right to work blowing up our new raft.   A spot for each of them.  Even though our middle daughter said she'd never ever go in the lake, not ever!  She planned to watch her sisters boat, swim and raft all summer from the end of the dock.  Apparently she changed her mind.  How can you not join in on the fun? I must have told her how proud I am of her a 100 times that weekend.  If you knew how cautious and nervous this little girl is around water you would too.  Funny thing is she was born in a tub of water but that's a story for another day.  For today I'll leave you with these pictures! 

A fun start to our first day in the new cottage.  Welcome to our home away from home girls!  Looking forward to lots of wonderful memories with you all in our new home!  I love you more than you'll ever know until you are parents yourself.   Then you will finally understand how great my love is for each of you.  Much love, Mom

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