Many people get a new planner or journal to start the new year fresh. This year the term bullet journal or BUJO came across my desk top and I curiously looked it up. This is a creative, reflective, fun way to journal through the year. I tagged quite a few page ideas on Pinterest and mentioned the idea to my girls. They ran up to their rooms, found blank paged journals and got started.
It took me a little longer. I needed to research journals because while I always buy my girls blank paged journals to draw in, write in, doodle, apparently I never buy one for myself. I ended up getting a black moleskin from Target. Then even when I had it I kept looking up ideas rather than just getting started. One of the things I read was if you don't like how a page turned out you have the rest of the journal to make something you like better. So it is good for perfectionists like my oldest who spend hours on something and then end up crumpling it up, throwing it away and not starting again. It is a wonderful way to journal for kids and adults. It is allowing our creative sides to come out and I find my kids BOJOing with free time after homework, at the lake and in their rooms. The possibilities are endless for page ideas and pinterest is a wealth of ideas if you run out of your own. Be it a gratitude page, to do list, organization chart, bucket list or exercise plan. Bullet journals allow you to organize your thoughts and ideas and life in a colorful, fun, inspiring and just for you kind of way. It was just the kind of creative inspiration I needed to start the year off right!
Some ideas from pinterest. |
Adding a gratitude page or fun memories page to add to through the year. |
The possibilities are endless for what you can include in yours. |
Work, exercise, home, family goal trackers. |
I love that my kids got started right away! |
Didn't question themselves or doubt their ideas! |
Gained inspiration from pinterest and each other! |
They inspired me to stop researching ideas and just get started already!
Love these staedtler 20 triplus fineliner pens from Michaels and of course I got them with a 40% off coupon! |
I love to surround myself with inspirational quotes so this page was easy! |
People that take time for gratitude lead a more fulfilling life.
A practice I want to instill in myself and my children. |
Take care of yourself first. You can't pour from an empty cup! |
Reminders of things I love. To add to all year! |
I loved the idea of the Reverse Bucket List. Reflect and remember all the things you have done that
have fulfilled you and made you happy and proud! |
A place to write down movies I want to see and rent. |
And books I want to read or do read through the year. |
I am forever and always a list person. My lists have lists. I like the idea
of having one place to contain these lists. At least the major ones and to track my
goals (drink 6 glasses of water a day, exercise for me, etc).
So what are you waiting for? If you are already a journaler try adding a few bullet journal pages to your current journal and see how you like it. If you aren't see if this is something that spawns your creative side. We all have our own organizational systems that work for us. I like that this one is fun and creative and keeps all my lists in one place so they don't fly away in the target parking lot. I made sure to pick a journal that easily fits in my purse and is small enough to write in when I'm sitting in the car. What are you waiting for? Go Bujo!!
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